Trail Construction Workshop, Part I: Building and Maintenance Fundamentals with AMC

Event Details
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
7:00 – 8:30 PM
Over Zoom.
All are welcome. Register using the form below. Zoom details will be emailed ahead of the program.
Talk Description

Speaker Bio
Matt Moore has been working on trails since 2004, His 18-year career has been split between management roles and field work, and has taken him all across America. Matt has worked and led Trail Crews for the National Park Service in Yosemite, Mt. Rainier, and Grand Teton. He has managed professional and volunteer trails programs for AMC throughout New England for a cumulative six years, and has a great passion for improving trails in his home state of Massachusetts and in his current home of New Hampshire. He currently manages AMC’s Professional Trail Crews, which in 2022 will total more than 100 weeks of work with professional crews from Valley Forge to Acadia. Matt is particularly keen on teaching the fundamentals of sustainable trail design, and treating trails as infrastructure and trail work as a trade.